Meat the makers
Owners Joachim Boyle and Jarret Kerr met over a decade ago working in the Brooklyn restaurant scene. After continually crossing paths on the dining room floor and remaining friends, they decided to cut out the middleman, join forces, and work for themselves. What started out as a passion project of Joe’s—cooking up and serving hotdogs at local bars in his spare time—quickly transformed into a shared dream. And so, Dog Day Afternoon was born; an oasis where one can forget the troubles of their day and melt into the delicious comfort of a loaded Vienna beef snap dog.

JArret Kerr
Jarret has been working in the restaurant industry since he was fourteen, which he is fairly certain is illegal. Having worked every job from busser to general manager, he has spent over 15 years working at some of the finest eating establishments in Brooklyn. He has never been to Chicago, he’s just never met a hotdog he didn’t like.

Joe is a native son of Illinois and hails from Oak Park. A hotdog and beef aficionado, Joe spent his life admiring and then perfecting the art of the Chicago dog and beef sandwich. A father of two, he hopes to someday pass on the dog day mantle so that generations to come can enjoy the iconic and delicious snap of a Chicago dog.